fzf is a powerful fuzzy finder that provides a user interface to search the directory, command history, and git status and log.

fzf.fish provides some default key bindings and makes it easier for you to customize the key bindings and functionalities of fzf.

Search directory

To search the directory, press Alt + Ctrl + F (you won’t see the files in .gitignore). When you hit Enter on a file or directory, the relative path will show up in the input. If the path is a directory, you can just hit Enter again to get the same result as cd to it.

Search command history

To search the command history, just press Ctrl + R. When you hit Enter on the previous command, the one you selected will show up in the input field.

Search Git

  • Press Alt + Ctrl + S for searching git status.
  • Press Alt + Ctrl + L for searching git log.
